ISSN: 2191-5261

Series of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments

Professor Dr. Gisa Jähnichen
Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series), called SIMP, is a double-blind, peer-reviewed academic book series that publishes scholarly writings on all aspects of musical instruments and/or instrumental music, as well as data collection experiences or research on recent issues and debates in various communities of the world. The book series places a specific emphasis on interconnectivity in time and space between global movements, and local responses and initiatives with regard to musical instruments.

The Study Group on Musical Instruments of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), is an informal association of scholars, instrument makers, and musicians who share interests in studying all aspects of traditional musical instruments. The study group was founded in 1962 by Erich Stockmann within the framework of the International Folk Musical Council / International Council for Traditional Music. The study group is institutionally bound to this large international organization and is guided from the living places of its current chair (which is presently China). It widely crosses borders of systems and economies, aiming towards a synergetic cooperation between academic institutes and professional individuals in the field of musical instrument research. As such, the study group provides a supportive research and teaching environment with a commitment to the larger interests of equality, tolerance, capacity building, and the stimulation of artistic creativity, which includes the exploration of innovative approaches towards redefining fields of future studies. The book series is also associated with all other study groups through membership in the joint international organisation, ICTM.

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