
Myth and Audiovisual Creation. New Essays on Cultural Myth-Criticism

Jose Manuel Losada, Antonella Lipscomb (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-4966-4
215 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Preis: 38.00 €
Myth and Audiovisual Creation. New Essays on Cultural Myth-Criticism
Our aim is to understand if myth has been directly affected by the digital revolution and to what extent it has retained its original essence or whether it has mutated to new forms.

These articles tackle films and television series that devote a considerable part to the impact of transcendence in our lives. They show that myth continues to be a particularly suitable tool for the knowledge of our society and of ourselves.

José Manuel Losada ( studied at the Sorbonne, Harvard, Montreal, Oxford and Durham Universities. He is Professor in French Literature and Myth-Criticism at Complutense University of Madrid, and has given talks and seminars in twenty American and European Universities. Member of the Editorial Committee of various publications, he is Founder and Editor of Amaltea. Journal of Myth-Criticism (, President of Asteria, International Association of Myth Criticism (, and encourages different national and regional research projects on literature and myth criticism (

Dr. Antonella Lipscomb (Lecturer at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija) has a Ph.D. in French and a Masters in European Literature from the University of Oxford and a B.A. in French and Italian from the University of Kent. She has been a Lecturer of French at Oxford University and at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and has been teaching European Literature and Cinema at the University Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid) for the last 15 years. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Amaltea. Journal of Myth-Criticism.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Myth
  • Audiovisual Creation
  • Myth-Criticism


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